Saturday, September 27, 2008

An untold Story...

The sky has been painted red in the east by the rising sun. Though it's still dark the entire village has started the day. Women gathered at the well in the middle of the village to fetch water. This is the only well that has water in it in the surrounding four villages. The pulleys used to bring water up are making screaming noise over the weight of the buckets. Men are helping their women in carrying the water to home. Children are still sleeping. Some infants are disturbing their parents.

Cattle also started crying for attention and the cocks are awakening people. This entire scene has disturbed the baby bird sleeping in the nest. It has borne last night. And this is it's first morning. It looked up at her mum in confusion and looked like scared. The mother hugged and told it not to be worried.

Ranga is still sleeping in the front yard. He is awaken by the noise and had seen his parents getting ready to bring water. Ranga is 20 years old. He's studying engineering in the town nearby. His parents work in paddy farms. It's very difficult for them to pay his fees. His illiterate parents know the value of the education very well and they want their son to be an officer. They took all the pain and sent him to the college. Though Ranga is good at studies, the worries and struggles back at home always pull him back.

He takes tuitions in the city. He can manage some of his expenses there in college. Still he has to skip breakfast and even lunch sometimes. Now, it's summer and all his tuitions are on hold. He came back to home last night. He slept very late thinking about his grades. He remembered the face of the clerk who said to bring all the fees while coming back to college. He made a firm decision to work in mango gardens during these holidays.

Ranga's father is ready to get water. He's coughing louder. The doctor suggested him not to be exposed to cold weather. Ranga looked at him and told,'Papa, I'll get water. Give me the vessels, go and sleep. Without giving them he replied, "we are used to do this. Let's do it. We don't want you to have all these struggles". He's coughing more. His mother asked his father to take some rest. She told him that they would get the water. Ranga made him lie on the cot which is damaged beyond repair.

They reached the well and waiting for their turn. Mohan came in there. He's his maternal uncle. He's the leader of the people who work in the farms. He saw Ranga and asked him how he was. Ranga went to him to ask him , 'Mama, I'm fine and studying well. But, doctor said papa to take rest. I have to pay the fees when the college starts. Please take me in to your team. I'll work and earn some money.". Mohan was silent and thought for a while. He knows about their situation. He himself is in debt. Though he wants to help them, he cannot. Hence, he decided to send him to pluck mangoes in the garden. It's the easiest of all. He then replied, 'Ranga, I'm taking few people to pluck mangoes in Raidu's garden. Get ready soon. Bring your food in carrier and wear old cloths. Your cloths will get dirty by evening". Ranga felt very happy and filled all the vessels with water.

He ate the food remained last night, took carrier with hot food and left for the garden. They would be taken to the garden on a tractor. They had to go through the city. All the people are waving their hands at the tractors and lorries coming towards them. They are also going for work. Soon, he started enjoying it. They reached the garden after an hour. Some people opened their carriers and started eating. They haven't eaten at home. The owner showed them the boundaries and asked them to start. Men have to pluck the mangoes from trees. Women would clean them from any dirt and count them.

They have to use a big bamboo stick attached with a ring at one end. A net is attached around the ring. (These sticks are called as gadas.) They have to get the mango into the net and pull the stick towards themselves to pluck them. If the fruit falls down, it will be damaged and will not be used for selling. They started selecting their sticks. Someone has chosen a good stick for Ranga. He has taken and started walking towards a tree. The stick is fallen down by mistake. The owner of the garden became very angry and started abusing him. He did not understand what his wrong was. Someone has taken him away from the owner and explained him the reason. Dropping the stick is considered as a bad luck. The owner fears he may not get a good trade for his fruits.

He went to the owner and asked him to forgive. He then inquired about him and appreciated. Everyone started working and the owners family sat under a big tree. He was asking Mohan about his estimate on the fruit lot. How much would be the yield and the quality of the fruits. Mohan was analyzing it according to his experience. Then they heard a THUD sound. Someone has dropped the bamboo stick along with the fruits. The scared Ranga stood there mumbling. The owner became angry and shouted at Mohan not to bring him from tomorrow. After some time, he became normal and asked him to give him some easy task.

The people have to work in gardens far away from villages. Mango trees yield during mid-summer. It's very difficult for them to get water. Hence, one person has to fetch water for them. As it is the easisest task, usually, an old person would be assigned for it. But, this time, Mohan asked Ranga to get the water. He took the pot and started walking towards the village nearby. It's in the outskirts of it. He went there and took water. The thirst labors completed within minutes. He brought another pot of water. Now he has to bring water under the burning hot sun.

It's very hot and he's stumbling. He rested for sometime under the trees. He has to go again. It's 1:20. he hadn't had lunch. He's very hungry and thought that he would eat after this round. He's feeling like he's is burning. He tied the bucket to the thread and dropped it into the well. He's pulling it up. It's becoming heavy, so he passed for a moment and started to pull it again. He cannot pull it anymore. His stumbling feet are unable to keep him stable. Everything has become bright around him. Could not understand what was going on. He felt deep in his mind that his body is light. He came into senses when he touched the cold water. He could not understand what happened for a while. When he understood, he became panic as he doesn't know swimming.

He has remembered his life from childhood. He remembered his parents. He felt very sad for them. He has remembered his college and the fee he has to pay. He's remembered his fading dreams. He's drowning and drowning. He did not even cry for help. The disturbed water became stable after sometime. The well has swallowed him in.

(Based on a news published in a local paper....)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My innocent brother...

Hi friends! I'm back with another new post on this Saturday. It's always very nice to think about our childhood. Those are the days that everyone likes to go back to. I think, there is hardly any person that doesn't like his days as a cute little child with lots of enthusiasm, energy and innocence.

From the times when I was a little boy, I have been considered to be a very good boy who doesn't even know how to be naughty. My brother was exactly opposite. He was considered to be bad. This is correct in almost all the cases. I am going to tell you an incident which is an exception to the above assumptions.

We were very little. I think I was 6 years old and my brother was 4. We used to have small shop which is the only one in our village of around 100 houses. My parents and grandparents would be busy with it and we had to study at hour home alone even at nights. In those good old days, we didn't have electric current in our village, not even the street lights. (We got the power supply to our village when I was 10 years old). We used to sit in the dim lights of lanterns that run with kerosene. Their lighting was very low that doesn't even throw the darkness to a few feet of distance. As we were children, we had heard lots of stories about ghosts and devils from our friends and elders. Hence, when we were kept alone at home at nights on the pretext of study, we used to afraid a lot about those monsters. So, we hardly blink our eyes. We wouldn't even talk to each other. In fact, we wouldn't study at all. Only, few children used to study in our village. My parents insisted us to study well and to be in a good position in life. Hence, they always used to ask us to sit and study. But, we used to find some times and ways to skip our study sessions and play with our friends.

We had a small area of land far from our village. My parents and grand parents used to cultivate that too. It was mid December and the time to get the paddy to our home. All others of my family were already there. My father also had to go there. We were waiting for him to leave so that we can play. But, he dropped a bomb shell saying that he wasn't going anywhere and watch us from outside. He did so for a while and he left. But, we were so innocent as of our age and studied (??) with our heads bowed down. After some time we realized that nobody was watching us. But, we had the fear deep in our heart that my parents may come at anytime. Hence, we didn't move. As the time passed, we got bored and started playing with the chalk piece. I started throwing it up in the air and catching it. My brother also started it soon. Then, we had a bet to throw it higher and catch. This was continued until, I threw it higher but could not catch. As a result, it was broken. We were afraid a lot about my father. He used to be very strict and very often we would be punished for simple mistakes. The thought of punishment threatened us more than the punishment itself.

My father returned soon after that. My brother ran to him and complained about it as soon as he came. But, I claimed that, it wasn't me but, my brother had broken the chalk. My past clean record saved me and my father very soon believed that my brother was the culprit.

He started to get the truth (??) out of him by threating. He said finally, "Ok, I'll leave if you say the truth, I'll lock you in the house and burn it otherwise". My brother started crying instantly. He was asking 'Will you really burn me?". My father said, 'Yes', firmly. Then my brother repeated, "Will you really burn me with this new dress?". I think, my father must be controlling very hard not to laugh. He said "YES". Then my brother said, "Ok then, It was me who had broken the chalk piece", he added "I'm saying the truth, so, leave me as you said".

Actually, he loves that new dress. Because, he wants to be a doctor and it looks like a doctor's apron. My father left my brother as he promised after a taking a class on the need to be honest. I sighed and felt relief then. I pretended like I ignored the pricking looks of my growling brother.

This is one of the few incident I always remember and laugh a lot. I posed my innocent brother as the culprit. :). And, It's time to confess. Sorry Ravi...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

One fine morning...

I woke up from my sleep. I don't want to open my eyes still. Life has become a routine. I'm going to office everyday including weekends. Even though its boring to stay in the flat, I feel it's not any better to move to office. What else can I do? After struggling for a while, got up from my bed saw the time in my mobile. It's already 9:30. In the bright morning light, I can see the scratches on my favorite phone. I used to take well care of it. I like this mobile a lot. That is one of the reasons, I haven't changed it though it is not looking fancy. But, now, it seems I have to change it. Folded my bed sheet and kept my bed neatly back in place.

Put some toothpaste on my brush and get ready to brush my teeth. I observed my face in the mirror. The scar due to the accident last month is clearly visible. I need to apply some thing on it. I've been forgetting to apply honey on it daily. I should start from today at least. Took my bath in leisure and wore the blue jeans pants and violet tea shirt. One more thing, I should not forget today. I must go to gym. Otherwise, I need to throw away all my cloths. Said bye to my roommies who are lying on bed in a semi sleep state.

Our apartment look like a bhooth bangalow especially at nights. Most of the flats are locked. I had never seen any human being out of their flat. The other side of our flat is open with tall trees that stood like devils. Their branches are full of big bats hanging up side down. The very scene of the surroundings is fearful. We can see another apartment over the trees. Many of the flats are vacant in that too. It appears always dark.

I'm looking at the rusted locks and dusted corridor while walking down the steps. I'm thinking about alot of things. My thought are not clear. I've started at something and just wandering over them. I have come down now and moved out of our apartment's gate. The location (apart from our apartment) is very scenic. The birds are singing with joy. The flowers are very colorful. I'm enjoying the beauty around me while walking until I stopped by a girl who is walking towards our apartment.

She is looking very fair. She may be around 20 years old. She is puzzled, surprised or nervous? I don't know, but she is not comfortable. But, it looks like she is in some trouble and completely lost. She came to me and asked 'Could you show me the way to Mantri Riveira?'. I'm surprised. She is asking the way to our apartment. She doesn't have anything with her. Is she a visitor? Whom will she visit? I forgot to answer while thinking. She asked me again? I said sorry and showed her the way. She is going very fast just like she is floating in air. I asked her from back, 'What's your name?'. She looked back and waited for a while. May be she is thinking whether to answer or not. And finally,she replied 'Sharanya' and walked away.

I started walking again but, I'm still thinking about her. I started admiring her beauty, it seems. I reached my office, entered my details in the register, went to the conference room and connected my laptop. I haven't had breakfast today. I'm not hungry too. I got a cup of tea and while coming back to the conf room, I took the news paper.

I didn't find any interesting news. I was about to keep it away, then a title attracted my eyes, 'Girl ends her life'. It is the story of a 20 year old girl, who ends her life for unknown reason. I'm shocked to see her photo. She is the same girl as I met while I was coming to office. And even more shocked to see her name. It is 'S H A R A N Y A'. I'm sweating now. I've decided to vacate the flat as soon as possible.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hello World!

I have been hearing this word for quite some time. Finally I have decided to have one. I haven't had any ideas what to write here and how to use this space. But, as time goes, I can make it much useful. :)
Thats enough in this post.