Monday, June 22, 2009

Or we ignoring something?

Once lived a great believer in God. He prayed God in all the conditions through out his whole life. One day, he had to cross the river on a stormy day. While crossing, he lost control and started drowning. He cried, "God, help me". A fisherman came to rescue him. He said, "No, God will come and get me out of here". He went away. Again he prayed God. Another fisher man came to help him. Again, he said, "God will help me". As God didn't come to help, he drowned after some time. When he meets God in the heaven, He asks God, "God, I prayed you very much. I devoted my whole life for you. But, you didn't hear my prayers and you didn't help me when I was drowning". Then God says, " I sent two men for you. You denied their help".

Is it God who sends us friends? I believe so. What do you say my friends?

(Read at many places. Recently came across in "The Pursuit of Happyness")