Sunday, May 18, 2008

One fine morning...

I woke up from my sleep. I don't want to open my eyes still. Life has become a routine. I'm going to office everyday including weekends. Even though its boring to stay in the flat, I feel it's not any better to move to office. What else can I do? After struggling for a while, got up from my bed saw the time in my mobile. It's already 9:30. In the bright morning light, I can see the scratches on my favorite phone. I used to take well care of it. I like this mobile a lot. That is one of the reasons, I haven't changed it though it is not looking fancy. But, now, it seems I have to change it. Folded my bed sheet and kept my bed neatly back in place.

Put some toothpaste on my brush and get ready to brush my teeth. I observed my face in the mirror. The scar due to the accident last month is clearly visible. I need to apply some thing on it. I've been forgetting to apply honey on it daily. I should start from today at least. Took my bath in leisure and wore the blue jeans pants and violet tea shirt. One more thing, I should not forget today. I must go to gym. Otherwise, I need to throw away all my cloths. Said bye to my roommies who are lying on bed in a semi sleep state.

Our apartment look like a bhooth bangalow especially at nights. Most of the flats are locked. I had never seen any human being out of their flat. The other side of our flat is open with tall trees that stood like devils. Their branches are full of big bats hanging up side down. The very scene of the surroundings is fearful. We can see another apartment over the trees. Many of the flats are vacant in that too. It appears always dark.

I'm looking at the rusted locks and dusted corridor while walking down the steps. I'm thinking about alot of things. My thought are not clear. I've started at something and just wandering over them. I have come down now and moved out of our apartment's gate. The location (apart from our apartment) is very scenic. The birds are singing with joy. The flowers are very colorful. I'm enjoying the beauty around me while walking until I stopped by a girl who is walking towards our apartment.

She is looking very fair. She may be around 20 years old. She is puzzled, surprised or nervous? I don't know, but she is not comfortable. But, it looks like she is in some trouble and completely lost. She came to me and asked 'Could you show me the way to Mantri Riveira?'. I'm surprised. She is asking the way to our apartment. She doesn't have anything with her. Is she a visitor? Whom will she visit? I forgot to answer while thinking. She asked me again? I said sorry and showed her the way. She is going very fast just like she is floating in air. I asked her from back, 'What's your name?'. She looked back and waited for a while. May be she is thinking whether to answer or not. And finally,she replied 'Sharanya' and walked away.

I started walking again but, I'm still thinking about her. I started admiring her beauty, it seems. I reached my office, entered my details in the register, went to the conference room and connected my laptop. I haven't had breakfast today. I'm not hungry too. I got a cup of tea and while coming back to the conf room, I took the news paper.

I didn't find any interesting news. I was about to keep it away, then a title attracted my eyes, 'Girl ends her life'. It is the story of a 20 year old girl, who ends her life for unknown reason. I'm shocked to see her photo. She is the same girl as I met while I was coming to office. And even more shocked to see her name. It is 'S H A R A N Y A'. I'm sweating now. I've decided to vacate the flat as soon as possible.


Rachel said...

Hi harry....
Nice Article but
Is this really true.....

Rajesh said...

yes, its really true....
Sharanya is now a residential ghost in his apartment....

BTW, his roomies always(almost) wakeup before him....

Harry said...

Rajesh is right. :P

Kiran said...

indian news papers are not tht fast dude... :)
btw, its really nice (at least to read).
And i admit u r a nice writer, only if u can write/post sth without any clue to know the reality.
OK? Up for it?

Anonymous said...

However beauiful the building maybe in the day, it looks like a bhooth bagalow in the night..without lights..urs is not special.By the way, how can u say the girl is only 20 by a glance?she may be older maybe 23/24..or 18/ her legs backwards? coz ppl say ghosts have their feet backwards...and wht is the time when u actually saw her in the news?

Harry said...

But, our flat was an exception. It was the same day and night. Use your instincts, you can tell the age, Or did she manipulate my mind to think like that? [:)], probably.. didn't notice her feet. But, I think she was floating... The news was of the previous day.. I don't know why does a ghost take that much time to reach our apartment.. [:P]..