Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Dream

I got a funny dream last night...

I was supposed to 'just attend' a wedding :D. But, when I went there, somehow, they have mistaken me for the groom. I was about to clarify them when I was astonished by the beauty of the bride. So, I kept mum feeling so happy and a bit proud for getting such a girl. (Don't remember having any guilty feel at all :P) And then, when it was all over, everyone came to know that it was a mistake. Surprisingly, like in movies, everyone accepted the marriage. And most importantly, :O, the girl... my goodness... I should have guessed it was a dream at least then... :-)

And there were funny and unreasonable things like, we both bought tickets for a bus journey but followed it on a bike eating some fruits (I told u, it was a dream, dont ask for any logic..).

Hmmm, now tell me the meaning of it.(If any of you read any books like 'Dreams and their meanings').. Please don't blame me that I'm thinking much about marriage.. I'm not.. :-(

Don't say that 'it's just a dream'... How can I just ignore it as some crap dream, when it feels so nice :P.... hahaha....

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